Scientific paper ID 1419 : 2017/1

Mira Zafirova

The main purpose of waterproofing is to defend and protect the structure from moisture in order to preserve the strength and the durability. The ments for waterproofing system under bridges are raised. It should both to protect the bridge construction, props, the pillars of the influence of groundwater and rainwater, and to ensure that the design performance of the deck plate will be guaranteed.

After the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union and the introduction of the Euronorms (EN 14695 and EN 14224- Flexible sheets for waterproofing ) are introduced as BS EN group of standards, the main features of waterproofing for bridge structures. By these standards to ensure quality preservation of waterproofing materials. The basic standard is BS EN 14695 ”Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Reinforced bitumen sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridges and other concrete surfaces trafficable by vehicles. Definition and characteristics”.

The report examined the ments for the basic features that should have waterproofing applied in Bulgaria for bridges under national administration from 2016. to BS EN 1469

мостови конструкции хидроизолации пътно платноKey word: waterproofing bridge orthotropic desk Mira Zafirova


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( [2] Хидроизолация на мостове –сп.Инфрабилд, брой 4, 2013 )

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