Scientific paper ID 1400 : 2016/3
Irina Asenova The determination of the sensitivity of the circuit functions is a task whose solution is important in the synthesis of various types and use electrical and electronic devices. Sensitivity analysis is especially needed in the design of frequency selective devices.
In the paper relationship between sensitivity of transfer functions of signal flow-graphs and similar sensitivity of the equivalent signal-flow graph transformation is defined. These transformations do not affect the transfer function of the circuit, but change first and higher-order sensitivity on the same transfer function. Some cases of loops without delay elimination are considered and a relationship between the first-order sensitivity transfer function with respect to the transmission coefficients before and after transformation the equivalent of signal flow graph is obtained. анализ на чувствителността предавателни функции еквивалентни трансформации на сигнални графиsensitivity analysis transfer functions equivalent transformations.Irina Asenova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] R.E. Massara, „On the Sensitivity of Canonically extended RC-Active Multiloop Filters“, Electrocomponent Science and Technology, Vol.6, , pp 43-48, 1980 [2] J.Caika, „Sensitivity of Graph Transfer Function to Changes of Transfer Functions of any Branch in a Graph“, Izv.VUZ Radioelektron 14, pp. 355-357, 1971 [3] I. Georgieva, „Determination of First and Second - Order Sensitivity of Equivalently Transformed Signal-Flow Graphs“, TRANSCOM, Slovak Republic, pp. 7-10, 2001 [4] C. Acar, „On Determination of Dependent and Independent Sensitivity Functions in Signal-Flow Graphs“, IEEE International Symposium Circuits and Systems, Rome, pp.625-628,1982 |