Scientific paper ID 1361 : 2016/3
Peter Donev There are many embankments built of clay, who have not enough bearing capacity for modern higher intensity of movement in some areas of the existing road and rail infrastructure in Bulgaria. This worsens traffic safety and leads to reduce the speed of vehicles. Often these areas are hard to reach places and interruption of traffic to stabilize the ground by strengthening facilities is uneconomic.
The purpose of the survey is to seek new solutions for optimal parameters of the technology of electric-chemical strengthening, to make it effective method suitable for wide practical usage of transport construction. Електрокинетични процеси инжектиране стабилизиращ разтвор якост на срязване ареометров анализ максимално напрежение протичащ ток.electric kinetic processes injection stabilizing solution shear strength areometric analysis maximum voltage flowiPeter Donev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Draganov,L. Elektrohimichno zazdravyavane na skalite.S.,Tehnika, 1986. ( [1] Драганов,Л. Електрохимично заздравяване на скалите.С.,Техника, 1986. ) [2] Geeta A. and Rakaraddi, P., A study on stabilization of soil by electro kinetic method ,2014 [3] Moayedi, H., Huat, B.K Electrokinetic Injection in HighlyOrganic Soil—A Revie, 2010 [4] Nasim Mosavat1, and Gary Chai A Review of Electrokinetic Treatment Technique for Improving the Engineering Characteristics of Low Permeable Problematic Soils Int. J. of GEOMATE, June, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Sl. No. 4), pp. 266-272 Geotec., Const. Mat. and Env., ISSN:2186-2982(P), 2186-2990(O), Japan [5] Jayasekera, S. and Hall, S., ”Modification of theproperties of salt affected soils using electrochemical treatments.” Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 25(1), 2007, pp. 1-10. |