Научен доклад ID 1352 : 2016/3
Svetoslav Nikolov, Daniela Zaharieva The simplest way to find complex (chaotic) behavior in a Hamiltonian system, e.g. as a starting point for consideration, is to look for homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbit(s).
In this paper, under suitable assumptions, we detect the existence of a homoclinic orbit of a nonintegrable Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom – a compound elastic pendulum and present the equation for it. elastic pendulum homoclinic orbit nonintegrable Hamiltonian systemеластично махало хомоклинична орбита неинтегруема хамилтонава системаSvetoslav Nikolov Daniela Zaharieva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Brin, M., Stuck, G., Introduction to dynamical systems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003. [2] Nikolov, S., Genov, Ju., Nachev, N., Stability of nonlinear mechanical system with two degrees of freedom, Mechanics, Transport, Communications, vol. 8(1), art. No 0472, 2010. [3] Shilnikov, L., Shilnikov, A., Turaev, D., Chua, L., Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics, Part II, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001. [4] Vilasi, G., Hamiltonian dynamics, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001. [5] Lowenstein, J., Essentials of Hamiltonian dynamics, Cambridge University Press, NY, 2012. [6] Hansmann, H., Local and semi-local bifurcations in Hamiltonian dynamical systems, Springer, Berlin, 2007. [7] Arnold, V., Mathematical methods of classical mechanics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1978. [8] Wiggins, S., Global bifurcations and chaos. Analytical methods. Springer-Verlag, NY, 1988. [9] Nikolov, S., Complex behavior of double inverted pendulum with a vertically oscillating suspension point, Mechanics, Transport, Communications, vol. 10(1), art No 0507, 2012. [10] Brack, M., Tanaka, K., Transcritical bifurcations in nonintegrable Hamiltonian systems, Physical Review E, vol. 77. art. No 046205, 2008. [11] van der Heijden, G., Yagasaki, K., Horseshoes for the nearly symmetric heavy top, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (ZAMP), vol. 65, pp. 221-240, 2014. |