Scientific paper ID 1227 : 2015/3
Tsvetan Blagoev, Martina Nikolova, Lazar Georgiev, Milcho Lepoev In the railway infrastructure of the Republic of Bulgaria 331 steel bridges with total length 11201,70m and total area of 356409m2 are in operation. Significant part of them are riveted with open deck (the sleepers are directly supported on longitudinal or on main girders) which is not in accordance with present exploitation concepts. In this paper possibilities for upgrading to the present exploitation ments of bridges with railway above the main girder, by means of partial or full replacement of the deck with closed type, are discussed. Possibilities and effects on some parameters characterizing the structural behavior of the bridge for the case of making closed reinforced concrete deck, connected for composite action with members of the old structure are analyzed.
стари стоманени мостове железен път стоманобетонни пътни конструкции съвместна работа.old steel bridges railway track reinforced concrete deck composite action.Tsvetan Blagoev Martina Nikolova Lazar Georgiev Milcho Lepoev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dulevski E., Ivanov S., Georgiev L., “Vazmozhnosti za preustroystvo na starite mostove kam savremennite usloviya na eksploatatsiya”, Zhelezopaten transport, Br.5/2004 ( [1] Дулевски Е., Иванов С., Георгиев Л., “Възможности за преустройство на старите мостове към съвременните условия на експлоатация”, Железопътен транспорт, Бр.5/2004 ) [2] Peter Collin, Mattias Nilsson, Milan Veljkovic, “International Workshop - Strengthening Of Steel Bridges”, Luleå University Of Technology And Ramböll Sverige AB, 2010 [3] B. Kühn, M. Lukić, A. Nussbaumer, H.-P. Günther, R. Helmerich, S. Herion, M.H. Kolstein, S. Walbridge, B. Androic, O. Dijkstra, Ö. Bucak, “Assessment of Existing Steel Structures: Recommendations for Estimation of Remaining Fatigue Life”, Joint Report Prepared under the JRC – ECCS cooperation agreement for the evolution of Eurocode 3 (programme of CEN / TC 250), First Edition, February 2008, EUR 23252 EN – 2008 [4] Karsten Geissler, “Assessment of Old Steel Bridges, Germany”, Structural Engineering International 4/2002. [5] Richtlinie 805 -Tragsicherheit bestehender Brückenbauwerke. Bekanntgabe 3 zur Richtlinie 805, gültig ab 01.09.2002, DB Netz AG, 2002 [6] Georgiev, Lazar i kolektiv, “Izsledvane na povedenieto na stomaneni zhelezopatni mostove s patna konstruktsiya ot otvoren tip pri izgrazhdane na stomanobetonna ot zatvoren tip, obedinena za savmestna rabota s elementi ot starata konstruktsiya”, nauchno-izsledovatelska tema BN-175/15, TsNIP pri UASG, 2015g. ( [6] Георгиев, Лазар и колектив, “Изследване на поведението на стоманени железопътни мостове с пътна конструкция от отворен тип при изграждане на стоманобетонна от затворен тип, обединена за съвместна работа с елементи от старата конструкция”, научно-изследователска тема БН-175/15, ЦНИП при УАСГ, 2015г. ) [7] Dr. Stephan Freudenstein, Jens Kleeberg, “Fast track to Sustainable Mobility”, 6th World Congress on High Speed Railway, Amsterdam, 2008. |