Scientific paper ID 1203 : 2015/3
Emil M. Mihaylov, Dobrinka Atmadzhova This paper refers to trams operating in Sofia. Consider the problem of wear and tear on non-operative side of the wheel rims, which is typical for almost all wheelsets. The wear is a result of continued exposure to the non-operative side of the rim of the wheel with the rim of the rail.The report discusses various combinations of adverse factors leading to contact between the non-operative side of the rim and the rim of the rail. Mostly this happens in curves with a small radius, although the phenomenon can also appear in straight areas of the track.When examining the problem the current state of the tram track is taken into account. Observations suggest that the intense wear of the non-operative side of the rims is in railcars moving along routes, where the road conditions aren’t good.The passage of the trams at the turning sections at the end of the track has been thoroughly examined. There the guiding force is distributed in varying degrees between the two wheels of the attacking wheelset. There are cases in which the attacking force is fully realized by the inner wheel (to the curve), i.e. the non-operative side of the rim becomes an operative side at the turning section at the end of the track.
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