Scientific paper ID 1199 : 2015/3
Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić According to the international regulations, the experimental testing of wagons impact is one of the mandatory testing in the phase of certification. During the wagons impact, there is an intensive change of dynamic parameters such as forces, deformations, speeds, accelerations, etc. These parameters are also very important when it comes to the design and verification of wagon structure quality. The purpose of this paper is to point to a very complex problems of the theoretical and experimental determination of dynamic parameters which appear at the wagons impact. In theoretical sense, there are two approaches for solution of this problem. One is related to the formation of differential equations of motion, and the second one is related to the application of the law of conservation of energy and the quantity of motion. In defining the mathematical models, there are usually the certain restrictions: wagon structure, bogie and cargo are considered to be absolutely rigid, railway track is horizontal, the centre of mass of cargo and wagons are moving in parallel and the gaps in subassemblies of wagons are ignored. Such conducted theoretical research are basis for preparation and realization of experimental research which should lead to the proper and satisfying results. In that sense, the moving of cargo during the impact is particularly significant. It is concluded that only mutual theoretical and experimental research can lead to the reliable results of dynamic parameters which occur at the wagons impact.
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