Scientific paper ID 1144 : 2015/3
Kiril Karagyozov, Petya Stoyanova The paper examines the problem of traffic assignment in a transportation network based on the first principle of Wardrop to establish the balance of flows through individual choice of users. The network is represented as a directed graph with Fuzzy arc’s weights and travel times as a function of traffic flows. The algorithm of route selection is based on the incremental approach to release part of the flow for certain destination along the shortest route determined with considering the presented Fuzzy weight
разпределяне на трафика транспортна мрежа тегла на дъгите размити числаKey word: Traffic assignment transportation networks fuzzy weight arcsKiril Karagyozov Petya Stoyanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] J.G.Wardrop, , J.I.Whitehead, "Correspondence. Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Traffic Research". ICE Proceedings: Engineering Divisions, 1952, 1 (5): 767. [2] R.Raykov, T. Kachaunov, K. Karagyozov, Optimizatsiya na razpredelenie na vagonopototsite v zhelezopatniya transport.Nauchno - prilozhna mezhdunarodna konferentsiya "Prilozhenie na EIM i mikroprotsesornata tehnika v zhelezopatniya transport", Varna,21-22 oktomvri 1983. ( [2] Р.Райков, Т. Качаунов, К. Карагьозов, Оптимизация на разпределение на вагонопотоците в железопътния транспорт.Научно - приложна международна конференция "Приложение на ЕИМ и микропроцесорната техника в железопътния транспорт", Варна,21-22 октомври 1983. ) [3] A.Hossain, S.Dimitrov, E.Madjarski, The Interval Shortest-Route Problem on Sofia Transportation Network, Bulgarian academy of sciences, problems of engineering cybernetics and robotics, 2009, 61. [4] Zadeh L. A., Fuzzy sets. Information and Control,1965, 8, 338-353. [5] Kung J. Y., Chuang T. N., The shortest path problem with discrete fuzzy arc lengths. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2005, 49, 263-270. [6] Y.Sheffi, Urban transportation networks, Urban transportation-Mathematical models, 1984. [7] Yen, Jin Y. "An algorithm for finding shortest routes from all source nodes to a given destination in general networks", Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 1970, 27: 526–530. [8] R. Yager, Paths of least resistance on possibilistic production systems, Fuzzy Sets Syst, 1986, 19, 121–132. [9] S. Okada, T. Soper, A shortest path problem on a network with fuzzy lengths, Fuzzy Sets Syst, 2000, 109, 129–140. [10] Klein, C. M..Fuzzy Shortest Paths, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1991, 39, 27–41. |