Scientific paper ID 1036 : 2014/3
Galina Cherneva In the paper is proposed to research the conditions under which occurs a chaotic process in a nonlinear dynamic system by an analytical method based on the theory of Melnikov. Exposed are the main principles of the theory and defined are Melnikov’s function for a system described by the equation of Duffing at a harmonious impact. The returnees analytical dependencies are applied to nonlinear circuit witch are modeling with this equation.
нелинейни динамични системи хаотичен режим теория на Мелников уравнение на Дюфингnonlinear dynamic systems chaotic process Melnikov theory Duffing equationGalina Cherneva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Melnikov V. K., Ob ustoychivosti tsentra pri periodicheskih po vremeni vozmushteniyah”, „Trudy MMO”, 1963, tom 12, str. 3-52. ( [1] Мельников В. К., Об устойчивости центра при периодических по времени возмущениях”, „Труды ММО”, 1963, том 12, стр. 3-52. ) [2] Chow S. N., M. Yamashita, Geometry of the Melnikov Vector”, in Nonlinear Equations in the Applied Sciences, Editors: W. F. Ames, C. D. Rogers, Mathematics in Science and Engineering, vol. 185, Academic Press, New York, 1992, pp.79-148. [3] Yagasaki K., The Melnikov Theory for Subharmonics and Their Bifurcations in Forced Oscillations, “SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics”, vol. 56, № 6, pp. 1720-1765, Dec. 1996. [4] Li W., J. Llibre, X. Zhang, Melnikov Functions for Period Annulus, Nondegenerate Centers, Heteroclinic and Homoclinic Cycles, “Pacific Journal of Mathematics”, vol. 213, № 1, pp. 49-77, Jan. 2004. [5] Bonnin M., Harmonic Balance, Melnikov Method and Nonlinear Oscillators under Resonant Perturbation., “International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications”, vol. 36, № 3, pp. 247-274, 2008. [6] Genchev Z., Ivanov Z., Todorov B. Effect of periodic perturbation on radio frecuency model of Josephson junction. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.1983.V. CAS-30,pp.633-636. [7] Georgiev Zh. Granichni tsikli i teoriyata na Melnikov. Conference “Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering”. Sozopol’10, 19– 22.09.10, ISSN 1313-9479. p.131-147 ( [7] Георгиев Ж. Гранични цикли и теорията на Мелников. Conference “Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering”. Sozopol’10, 19– 22.09.10, ISSN 1313-9479. p.131-147 ) [8] V. Savov, Zh. Georgiev, T. Todorov, I. Karagineva, N Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Using the Melnikov Function for a Synthesis of Generalized Van der Pol Systems.“WSEAS Trans. On Circuits and Systems”, Volume 5, Issue 11, Nov. 2006, pp 1602-1607, ISSN:1109-2734. [9] Zh. D. Georgiev, T. G. Todorov, E. D. Manolov, I. L. Karagineva, “Synthesis of sinewave oscillator based on the modified Van der Pol equation using Melnikov theory”, “16th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference ELECTRONICS ET 2007. Proceedings of the conference, Sozopol, Bulgaria, book 1, pp. 74-78, 2007. [10] Guckenheimer J.M., P. Holmes. Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation of Vector Fields. N.Y. Springer-Verlag,1986,400 pp. [11] Filipov E., Nelineyna elektrotehnika, S.„Tehnika”, 1979. ( [11] Филипов Е., Нелинейна eлектротехника, С.„Техника”, 1979. ) [12] Horozov E. Varhu edin ot nereshenite problemi na Hilbert – shestnadesetiyat. FMI SU „Sv. Kl. Ohridski” ( [12] Хорозов Е. Върху един от нерешените проблеми на Хилберт – шестнадесетият. ФМИ СУ „Св. Кл. Охридски” ) [13] Lefshets S. Geometricheskaya teoriya differentsialnyh uravneniy. Editorial URSS, Moskva, 2004. ( [13] Лефшец С. Геометрическая теория дифференциальных уравнений. Едиториал УРСС, Москва, 2004. ) [14] Zh. D. Georgiev, I. L. Karagineva, “Analysis and Synthesis of Self-Sustained Oscillators, Described by Perturbed Double Hump Duffing Equations”, “Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Sozopol’07”, Part II, pp. 79-87, 2007. |