Scientific paper ID 1010 : 2014/3
Danail Yovchev Danailov Yet, hysteresis process course has not been theoretically explained in a satisfactory way so far. This statement applies to the linear as well as to the nonlinear magnetic characteristic. The process, in reality, is not performed by magnetic characteristic, but by hysteresis loops, the trajectories of which are not only functions of basic magnetic curve, but they are also dependent on induction. B alteration speeds and intensity H, as well as on ohmic resistances of magnetic material and of coil. A model, which takes into consideration these factors and presents performed in reality processes, has been suggested in the paper.
магнитни вериги хистерезис преходни процеси нелинейни веригиmagnetic circuits hysteresis transient processes nonlinear circuitsDanail Yovchev Danailov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Danailov D. Y., Teoriya na elektromagnitniya histerezis, „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, tom 11, № 2, 2013 g., http://www.mtc-aj.com ( [1] Данаилов Д. Й., Теория на електромагнитния хистерезис, „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, том 11, № 2, 2013 г., http://www.mtc-aj.com ) [2] Kollar M., The Preisach model ( 1935 ) presented in 2007, Advanced Aspects of Teoretiacal Electrical Engeneering, Sozopol ’2007, pp. 154-165, 2007, Bulgaria [3] Danailov D. Y., Matematichen model za simulirane na dinamichen fero-magniten histerazis, Yubileyna nauchna sesiya’96, „115 godini VVMU „N. Y. Vaptsarov”, 8 9.05.1996 g., gr. Varna. ( [3] Данаилов Д. Й., Математичен модел за симулиране на динамичен феро-магнитен хистеразис, Юбилейна научна сесия’96, „115 години ВВМУ „Н. Й. Вапцаров”, 8 9.05.1996 г., гр. Варна. ) |