Scientific paper ID 992 : 2014/3

Ivan Milenov, Galin Bankin

This report examins the emergence of the first electrobuses in The Republic of Bulgaria. Unlike trolleys, by this type of transport it is not necessary to build a contact network. This allows them to move on freely selected routes and significantly reduces the initial investment of costs. Two technical solutions which led to the creation of two different electrobuses are presented. The autonomous power of the first electrobus is provided by lithium-ion batteries, which supply a three-phase synchronous motor with permanent magnet excitation. The battery charge is made for 6-8 hours at night and provides the daily mileage of the electrobuses reaching up to about 120 km. As to the second electrobus, the autonomous power supply is provided by supercapacitors which supply three-phase asynchronous motors. The charge of the supercapacitors is done in 8 minutes at the initial and respectively the final stop of the electrobuses and provide mileage up to about 20 km. Both electrobuses are currently in a period of testing. They must demonstrate their advantages in relation to other types of transport. Their technical parameters and characteristics show economy, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, quietness and other advantages that after positive test results could provide an excellent future ahead of this new transport.

електробус електрозадвижване суперкондензатори акумулаторни батерииelectrobus electric actuation supercapacitors accumulator batteriesIvan Milenov Galin Bankin


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