Scientific paper ID 990 : 2014/3

Galina Zamfirova

The directly measured indentation parameters as well some additional information concerning the mechanical properties obtained by depth-sensing indentation method (DSI) have been discussed. Some limitations of the solely experimental approach have been critically listed. On the other hand, taking into account the opportunities of commercial software MSC.MARC basic principles, when apply numerical simulation using the finite element method in micro- and nanoindentation have been described, namely, material and geometric nonlinearity. The different approach to resolving engineering and scientific problems has been distinguished. The Experimental-numerical hybrid method in indentation experiment combining microindentation experiments with numerical simulation using FEM has a number of advantages: enables determination of some valuable mechanical properties (yield strength, distribution of equivalent Von Mises stress, distribution of the equivalent plastic strain in the zone under indenter and etc), reduces the time and facilitates the trial-error procedure in post-processing. A block diagram showing the steps in the experimental-numerical hybrid approach in indentation experiment has been suggested.

контролирано проникване на индентора еластичен модул числена симулация MKЕDepth-sensing indentation method numerical simulationGalina Zamfirova


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