Scientific paper ID 984 : 2014/3
Maria Slavova-Nocheva The scientific work emphasizes that innovation is the driving force of the modern market economy and a core of European policy. Identify priorities for stimulating innovation of the four pillars of the knowledge economy, its main characteristics and role in achieving the kind of innovative economic growth and greater competitiveness.
Reveals the role of innovation policy of the state for the development of priority directions of innovative development and enhancing the competitiveness of Bulgarian industry. Special attention is paid to the interrelation innovation and competitiveness. Pointed out that Bulgaria is among the most modest inventories in the European Unio иновации конкурентоспособностикономика на знанието иновационна стратегия държавна иновационна политикаKey word: innovation competitiveness innovation strategy government innovation policy economic of knowledge Maria Slavova-Nocheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] European, Commission EUROPE 2020, 3 March 2010, http://europa.eu/press_room/pdf/complet_en_... [2] Fathutdinov R.A. Inovatsionnyy menedzhment, M., 2004 ( [2] Фатхутдинов Р.А. Иновационный менеджмент, М., 2004 ) [3] Inovatsionna strategiya na Republika Balgariya, S., 2004 ( [3] Иновационна стратегия на Република България, С., 2004 ) [4] Grishin V.V., Upravlenie innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti v usloviyah modernizatsii natsionalnoy ekonomiki, M., 2009, s. 238-252,296 ( [4] Гришин В.В., Управление инновационной деятельности в условиях модернизации национальной экономики, М., 2009, с. 238-252,296 ) [5] Inovatsii.BG, 2013. ( [5] Иновации.БГ, 2013. ) [6] World Competitiveness Yearbook,IMD,2012 i 2013. ( [6] World Competitiveness Yearbook,IMD,2012 и 2013. ) [7] Slavova-Nocheva M. Konkurentsiya, konkurentosposobnost, transporten pazar,VTU „T.Kabaleshkov”,S.,2012. ( [7] Славова-Ночева М. Конкуренция, конкурентоспособност, транспортен пазар,ВТУ „Т.Кабалешков”,С.,2012. ) [8] Chobanova R. i dr. Znanieto kato ikonomicheski resurs, AI „Prof. Marin Drinov”, S. 2013 ( [8] Чобанова Р. и др. Знанието като икономически ресурс, АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов”, С. 2013 ) |