Scientific paper ID 981 : 2014/3

Valentina Staneva

Contemporary accounting s the application of different accounting techniques, approaches and methods of analysis, evaluation and control of the various economic facts, events and processes, used depending on the development of public economic relations. Following the latest trends and directions in the development of accounting creates conditions for usage of new creative and innovative approaches,practically possible for application due tothechanges introduced in international accounting standards over the past few years.After the exhaustion of the possibilities of change in implemented accounting policy, creativity and innovation in accounting can be manifest in the changes of accounting estimates appliedin the financial statements of enterprises.

иновации креативност финансов отчет счетоводна политика счетоводна приблизителна оценка.innovations creativity financial statement accounting policy accounting estimateValentina Staneva


[1] ] Reglament (EO) № 1126/2008 na komisiyata ot 3 noemvri 2008 godina, OV na ES, br. L320.
( [1] ] Регламент (ЕО) № 1126/2008 на комисията от 3 ноември 2008 година, ОВ на ЕС, бр. L320. )

[2] Staneva V., „Schetovodna politika v upravlenieto na transportnata firma”, avtoreferat, Pechatna baza na VTU „T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2011 g.
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[3] Staneva V., „Schetovodnite priblizitelni otsenki vav finansovite otcheti na transportnite predpriyatiya v Balgariya”, monografiya, Izdatelstvo „Avangard Prima” OOD, Sofiya, 2014 g.
( [3] Станева В., „Счетоводните приблизителни оценки във финансовите отчети на транспортните предприятия в България”, монография, Издателство „Авангард Прима” ООД, София, 2014 г. )




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