Scientific paper ID 968 : 2014/3

Svetla Stoilova, Veselin Stoev

The metrostations are part of the metro system of transport service of the population. They are different in infrastructure, operational and other indicators. This paper presents an investigation for classification the Sofia’s metrostations. In research are determined the indicators for classifying. To make the classification of metrostations in groups, using various types and dimension factors is applied a multidimensional statistical method named cluster analysis. To perform clustering has been used statistical software package SPSS. In the research have been applied 30 factors for cluster analysis. The Sofia’s metrostations has been classified into two groups. The first is the group of main metro station. It s 8 metrostations that are situated only in first metro line. The second s 19 metrostations that are situated in both metro lines. The proposal classification of the metrostations in groups (clusters) would allow implementation of adequate technical and technological solutions related to transportation.

метросистема метростанция клъстърен анализ пътници класификация metro system metrostation subway cluster analysis passenger classificationSvetla Stoilova Veselin Stoev


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