Scientific paper ID 965 : 2014/3
Mirena Todorova, Violina Velyova The vehicle movement of a bus line using Automatic management control system and global positioning system is presented in this article, through which the control of the movement of vehicles in urban transport is managed. Analyzing the performance of existing public transport timetable of bus line № 72, it was established that it meets the everyday ments including holidays and off-peak periods on weekdays. Deviations from the time schedule were observed due to the specifics of the route during peak hours on weekdays. There are three peak periods from 07:30 to 09:01, from 12:31 to 13:56 and from 16:03 to 18:28 in which there are different delay durations, the last period being with the biggest delays.
The actual turnover of the vehicles for these peak periods is determined by calculating the delay brought for each course, as the previous delay is deducted from the delay of the current course. The newly acquired values during the total turnover a change in the number of vehicles on the line, while maintaining the motion intervals between them. Depending on the total turnover and the vehicle motion intervals, the d number of vehicles for the specified peak periods is 18 units, ie it takes three more vehicles to insure the implementation of the transport timetable. Based on the estimates a new aggregate routing timetable is being developed, in which it is necessary to increase the available buses and the number of staff employed for the day from 29 to 35 people. превозните средства График за движението на превозните средства оборот на превозните средства маршрутно разписание Автоматизирана система за контрол и управлениеvehicles public transport timetable turnover of vehicles route plan Automatic managemMirena Todorova Violina Velyova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Eksploatatsionen plan ( [1] Експлоатационен план ) [2] Kachaunov T.T., Stamenov V.N. Gradski patnicheski transport, VVTU "T.Kableshkov" 1994 g. ( [2] Качаунов Т.Т., Стаменов В.Н. Градски пътнически транспорт, ВВТУ "Т.Каблешков" 1994 г. ) [3] Pravila za vzaimootnosheniyata mezhdu SO, "SKGT - Sofiya" EOOD i transportnite operatori ( [3] Правила за взаимоотношенията между СО, "СКГТ - София" ЕООД и транспортните оператори ) [4] Razpisaniya ( [4] Разписания ) [5] Rakovodstvo za potrebitelya "Avtobusen dispecher" ( [5] Ръководство за потребителя "Автобусен диспечер" ) [6] Rakovodstvo za potrebitelya "Sistema glaven dispecher" ( [6] Ръководство за потребителя "Система главен диспечер" ) [7] http://www.sofiatraffic.bg |