Scientific paper ID 953 : 2014/4

Hristina Nikolaeva Dimitrova

Developed transport creates those conditions that facilitate a proper and balanced spatial distribution of the productive forces and the formation of territorial production complexes, contributes to better utilization of natural resources. Thanks to it is engaged in manufacturing linkages between sectors and companies. An important part is its advantages and disadvantages and environmental problems associated with it. Some of the new and innovative ways to create greener transport are a very important issue for mankind. There are different modes and each has its advantages and disadvantages. In modern society, which is developing dynamically, an important issue is the environmental impact of transport and ways to reduce them. Alternative forms of transport should be more - the preferred form of movement and focus more resources in the direction of their development and stimulation. The use and development of new "green solution" is important in the development of modern society and an indicator of its future.

Същност видове и последици от транспорта екологичен транспорт иновации.Nature types and effects of transport ecological transport innovation.Hristina Nikolaeva Dimitrova










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