Scientific paper ID 952 : 2014/4
Zlatka Lacheva, Simona Prodanova, Snezhana Mihaylova The purpose of the business plan is the establishment of a new line of environmentally clean line for public transport from sq. Simeonovo to square of aviation and tracking development, implementation and operation of the transport company "ECO-Trans" for a period of five years. Company "ECO-Trans" is based on 20.01 .2013. By decision of the Sofia District Court with the status of a limited liability company with the MALL Zlatka Lalcheva and Manager Simona Prodanova
Address registration of the company is in the city of Sofia, "Shumaka" 8, floor 5. Tax Number : 1523611000, Bulstat Number:1426852311. Subject to the activity of the company - transport of passengers with environmentally friendly buses in bus line of urban transport in the capital city. The Mission of the company is environmentally-friendly transport services to the population in urban conditions. The main objective of the firm is responding to the needs of the population of ecologically clean urban transport in the cities and in the rapid movement of large distances without replacing the several types of transport. The new line is funded under a program "regional development", by a priority axis 1: Sustainable and integrated urban development. For the realization of the line is loan of the "First Investment Bank" of the program Green credit for business on program "Energy efficiency and green economy" . The company has concluded a contract with the Sofia Municipality and works jointly with the Center for urban mobility, and the Sofia. Duration of the investment is 5 years and is in the amount 90,867.50 lv. From the "First Investment Bank". Утвърждаването на новата екологично чиста линия за обществен транспорт.Key words: Establishment of new environmentally clean line for public transport.Zlatka Lacheva Simona Prodanova Snezhana Mihaylova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Parva investitsionna banka, http://fibank.bg/bg/zelen-kredit-za-biznesa... 2014 godina. ( [1] Първа инвестиционна банка, http://fibank.bg/bg/zelen-kredit-za-biznesa... 2014 година. ) [2] Simona Bosilkova , http://www.energyworld.bg, 2012 godina. ( [2] Симона Босилкова , http://www.energyworld.bg, 2012 година. ) [3] Operativna programa "Regionalno razvitie", http://www.bgregio.eu/, 2013 godina. ( [3] Оперативна програма "Регионално развитие", http://www.bgregio.eu/, 2013 година. ) [4] http://www.eea.europa.eu/ [5] Ministerstvo na zdraveopazvaneto, http://www.riokoz-vt.com/okolnasr.htm. ( [5] Министерство на здравеопазването, http://www.riokoz-vt.com/okolnasr.htm. ... ) [6] Ministerstvo na transporta, STRATEGIYa ZA RAZVITIE NA TRANSPORTNATA SISTEMA NA REPUBLIKA BALGARIYa DO 2020 g., 2009 godina. ( [6] Министерство на транспорта, СТРАТЕГИЯ ЗА РАЗВИТИЕ НА ТРАНСПОРТНАТА СИСТЕМА НА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ ДО 2020 г., 2009 година. ) |