Scientific paper ID 945 : 2014/4

Cvetoslava Hristova Gruhlanska

Today companies in Bulgaria are facing many difficulties and challenges. On the one hand continued depression years of the transition, on the other hand intensifying competition in a globalizing world economic space. Last but not least and opportunities to build a competitive sector of Western standards of production.

The modern market is to be understood as an opportunity for competition opportunities and management systems of production, labor and diagnostics of the overall activity. According to the development of the company and certain effective units depends on a well functioning activities across firmi.Tova puts great demands on the management of any organization. Now success is decided primarily on how the company was able to meet the ments of consumers and their needs.

Next topic will focus on the specifics of the management of transport operations - one of the main pollutants contained too dangerous to health veshtestva.Namalyavaneto of chemical air pollution, and noise emitted can be achieved by conducting various economic, technical and organizational measures through effective management, improving labor discipline staff in transport companies.

Транспорт управление персонал труд принципи задачи фактори организация околна средаTransport control staff work principles tasks factors organization environmentCvetoslava Hristova Gruhlanska


[1]Evgeni Vasilev „Upravlenie na personala v transporta”- Sofiya 2008 g., (EvgeniVasilev “Upravlenienapersonala v transporta”- Sofia 2008)
( [1]Евгени Василев „Управление на персонала в транспорта”- София 2008 г., (EvgeniVasilev “Upravlenienapersonala v transporta”- Sofia 2008) )




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