Scientific paper ID 941 : 2014/4

Iliyan Lyubomirov

The paper reviews the real status of the fire-fighting systems in Bulgaria. Statistic of the fire situation in recent years is d. Also, a review of the foreign experience in firefighting is done. The fire forecast methods in USA, Russia, Canada and Europe are described and the fire safety systems are specified retrospectively. A system for forecasting the fire centers and an idea for free web portal that besides the summarized data and statistic for fires will have integrated automatic warning system are suggested. The system will be connected with the municipalities and fire safety units and above certain values of “fire risk” will inform the mayors and the regional fire services to undertake precautionary actions so that the occurrence of fire is prevented. The system will use a combination of methods of probability theory and mathematical modeling based on deterministic-probabilistic models for calculating the “fire risk” in the different regions.

пожарен риск пожари ранно предизвестяване пожарна опасностfire risk fires early warning fire hazardIliyan Lyubomirov


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