Scientific paper ID 933 : 2014/1
Vasil Dimitrov Contemporary electric vehicles are designed on the base of highly efficient asynchronous drives and microprocessor safety and control systems. Vector Control provides a stable speed irrespective of the load, low level of torque fluctuations, optimal values of energy indicators (power factor, efficiency, and harmonic distortion). The appropriate information support is necessary for the implementation of vector control: bits of information about the actual values of drive parameters must be given to control system in real time. The most important drive parameters are current, voltage and speed of the motor. In this paper, sensors which are specific to such applications are described: current transducer, instrumentation amplifier, rotary encoder. Methodology and algorithm of sensors tests are developed. Their goal is to determine the optimal value of the conversion factor.
системи за автоматично управление токови трансдусери измервателни усилватели енкодериAutomatic Control Systems Current Transducers Instrumentation Amplifiers EncodersVasil Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Paskaleva U., Aspekti na savremennite elektricheski izmervaniya, YuZU "Neofit Rilski", 2010 ( [1] Паскалева У., Аспекти на съвременните електрически измервания, ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски", 2010 ) [2] Ivanov E., N. Stoycheva, Osnovi na avtomatikata i telemehanikata, Sofiya, VTU „T. Kableshkov“, 2009 ( [2] Иванов Е., Н. Стойчева, Основи на автоматиката и телемеханиката, София, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков“, 2009 ) [3] Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation, Siemens-ST 70, 2011 and Siemens-ST 70 N, 2012 [4] Railway Current & Voltage Transducers, Traction Catalogue, LEM, 2008 [5] Milenov I., V. Dimitrov, Ch. Dzhambazki, Vektorno upravlenie na tyagovi asinhronni elektrodvigateli za metropoliten, Yubileyna mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Tunelno i metrostroitelstvo - Deset godini Sofiysko metro”, Sbornik dokladi, str.280, FNTS 2008 ( [5] Миленов И., В. Димитров, Ч. Джамбазки, Векторно управление на тягови асинхронни електродвигатели за метрополитен, Юбилейна международна научна конференция „Тунелно и метростроителство - Десет години Софийско метро”, Сборник доклади, стр.280, ФНТС 2008 ) [6] Isolated Current and Voltage Transducers: Characteristics – Applications – Calculations, LEM Components, 2004 [7] Hopkins M., Electrical Transducers, Hoyt Electrical Instrument Works Inc., 2008 [8] Kutsarov S., Izmervatelni usilvateli, sp. „Inzhenering revyu“, br. 7, 2006 ( [8] Куцаров С., Измервателни усилватели, сп. „Инженеринг ревю“, бр. 7, 2006 ) [9] Current Transducers HAS 50 to 600-S, LEM Components, 2005 [10] Operational Amplifiers MC3xxx, Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2004 [11] Sinamics Drive Systems, Catalog D21.1, Siemens, 2006 [12] Rotary encoders, Technical Specifications, available at: http://spektrum-bg.com/index?op=incremental... |