Scientific paper ID 932 : 2014/1
Iliyan Hristov The advancement of industrial activities inevitably demands a parallel development of evaluation analysis of enterprise performance. The analysis of an industrial activity can be viewed as disuniting and separation of factors constituting a certain phenomenon or given object with the purpose of studying it extensively, as well as its timely monitoring and subsequent management. The article presents a practical and feasible model consisting of leading and lagging key performance indicators that are studied in two time perspectives - past and future. The golden middle is found by their uniting and balancing via building logical links of unity and coherence.
ключови показатели за оценка изоставащи индикатори водещи индикатори.Key performance indicators lagging indicators leading indicators.Iliyan Hristov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kasarova, V. Finansoviyat analiz v konteksta na upravlenieto na stoynostta na kompaniyata.// Sb. Statii, „Finansovi resheniya : Izsledvaniya i praktiki“, NBU, Sofiya, 2009, s. 185-217. ( [1] Касърова, В. Финансовият анализ в контекста на управлението на стойността на компанията.// Сб. Статии, „Финансови решения : Изследвания и практики“, НБУ, София, 2009, с. 185-217. ) [2] Kuznetsov, N. OSOBENNOSTI OTsENKI RENTABELNOSTI I TsENY KAPITALA SOVREMENNYH AKTsIONERNYH OBShtESTV. http://www.rae.ru/fs/pdf/2011/12-3/35.pdf, cc.-628-633. ( [2] Кузнецов, Н. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ОЦЕНКИ РЕНТАБЕЛЬНОСТИ И ЦЕНЫ КАПИТАЛА СОВРЕМЕННЫХ АКЦИОНЕРНЫХ ОБЩЕСТВ. http://www.rae.ru/fs/pdf/2011/12-3/35.pdf, cc.-628-633. ) [3] Sorokin, M.S RAZUMOM I EFFEKTIVNOSTYu: MATRITsA FINANSOVYH POKAZATELEY. http://www.sorokin-lab.com/2009/08/blog-pos... ( [3] Сорокин, М.С РАЗУМОМ И ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬЮ: МАТРИЦА ФИНАНСОВЫХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ. http://www.sorokin-lab.com/2009/08/blog-pos... ) [4] Copeland, T., Koller, T., Murrin, J., Valuation: measuring and managing the value of companies”, John Willey & Sons, Inc, New York, 2000. [5] Ittner, C.D., Larcker, D.F., Rajan, M.V. The Choice of Performance Measures in Annual Bonus Contracts.// The Accounting Review, April 1997, pp.231-255. [6] Myers, R. MEASURE FOR MEASURE.// CFO Magazine 13(11), November 1997, pp.45-51, http://www.uic.edu/classes/actg/actg326rr/R... [7] Stewart III, G. B.The Quest For Value: The EVAtm management guide. Harper Business, New York, 1991. |