Scientific paper ID 929 : 2014/1
Georgi Pavlov, Martina Tomcheva, Ilko Tarpov The low values of the energetic parameters of diode and thyristor electric vehicles operated in railways (over 96%) create conditions for increased consumption of reactive power and distortion of the waveform of the mains current. Consequently, the traction power system and locomotives electrical equipment are loaded with additional reactive current, which leads to an increased traction power consumption. In this article, proportion of energetic tests of modernized thyristor locomotives 46-200 series is shown. An analysis of the obtained results is made and opportunities for improving energy efficiency are discussed. The main purpose is to establish a methodology for a comprehensive study of the energy performance of electric vehicles operated in Railway Transport. This will give the opportunity for carrying out adequate energy analysis and categorization of the electric vehicles on certain parameters characterizing the quality of consumed energy, as well as a proposal for their modernization.
енергетични параметри коефициент на мощност електрически локомотиви с тиристорни изправители активни компенсатори за реактивна мощностenergetic parameters power factor electrical locomotives with thyristor rectifiers active compensators of reactiveGeorgi Pavlov Martina Tomcheva Ilko Tarpov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] W. Mack Grady, R. J. Gilleskie, Harmonics and How They Relate to Power Factor, Proc. Of the EPRI Power Quality Issues & Opportunities Conference (PQA ’93), San Diego, CA, November 1993. [2] Pavlov G., G. Dimitrov. Izsledvane na energetichni pokazateli i vazmozhnosti za modernizatsiya na elektricheski transportni sredstva za promenliv tok. Nauchna konferentsiya 2012 – Rusenski universitet „Angel Kanchev”, gr. Ruse, 26 – 27.10.2012 g. ( [2] Павлов Г., Г. Димитров. Изследване на енергетични показатели и възможности за модернизация на електрически транспортни средства за променлив ток. Научна конференция 2012 – Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев”, гр. Русе, 26 – 27.10.2012 г. ) [3] Dimitrov V., Examination of Frequency Controlled Asynchronous Drives at Variable Load Torque – Laboratory Simulator, XLVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2012, 28-30 June, 2012, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Proceedings of Papers, Vol. 2, ISBN: 978-619-167-003-1, рр. 567-570 [4] Dimitrov V., Izsledvane na prehodni rezhimi pri asinhronni zadvizhvaniya s chestotno upravlenie – laboratoren simulator, IV-ta nauchna konferentsiya „EF 2012“, Sozopol, 28.09 – 01.10.2012, Sbornik nauchni trudove, tom 2, str. 265 - 271 ( [4] Димитров В., Изследване на преходни режими при асинхронни задвижвания с честотно управление – лабораторен симулатор, IV-та научна конференция „ЕФ 2012“, Созопол, 28.09 – 01.10.2012, Сборник научни трудове, том 2, стр. 265 - 271 ) |