Scientific paper ID 928 : 2014/1
Christina Nikolova Safety is one of the most important impacts of transport on social sustainability. The other factors such as personal security, free access for disabled people, impacts of transport on people’s health, social engagements (public services obligations) and consultations, social inclusion, equal opportunities and fare conditions for customers and transport workers, also are connected to the safety indirectly. On the other hand, in view of the fact that almost 80 % of passenger traffic in the country (including transport by cars) are on account of road transport, then its safety is extremely important for achieving the goals linked to social sustainability.
With regard to that, it is necessary to clarify what is the economic impact of the road safety on social development and social sustainability of transport? Furthermore, the most important analysis which should be made is related to the external coats for road accidents. The paper presents an analysis of road safety indicators as well as estimation and measuring of external accident costs for road transport. In conclusion, it generalizes the road safety impacts on the different aspects of sustainable development, especially on social sustainability. външни разходи пътна безопасност устойчиво развитиеexternal costs safety accidents sustainable developmentChristina Nikolova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Black, W. and Nijkamp, P. (2002).Pathway to Sustainable transport and Basic Themes.In: Black, W. and Nijkamp (eds.). Social Change and Sustainable Transport.Indiana University Press, pp. xi-xiii. [2] EUROSTAT(2013). Sustainable development indicators: Sustainable Transport. Luxembourg. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/pag... [3] IMPACT – Internalisation Measuresand Policies for Allexternal Cost of Transport (2008). Handbookonestimation ofexternalcostsinthetransportsector. Delft. European Commission, DG TREN. [4] Hously, A& Atkins, S.(2007). Transport and Social Sustainability, MVA Consultancy. Litman, T. (2008). Sustainable Transportation Indicators: A Recommended Research Program For Developing Sustainable Transportation Indicatorsand Data. Transportation Research Board.Washington D.C. 11 – 15 January 2008. [5] LIBERAIL(2001). Methodologyfordetermination of thecosts of usingtheinfrastructure, Workpackage 3. [6] Martino, A. et al. (2006). Outline of policy priorities and sustainability criteria and targets. Deliverable 1.1, REFIT project (Refinement and test of Sustainability indicators and tools with regard to European Transport policies). Netherlands. [7] United Nations – UN (2012). Report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.20 – 22 June 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |