Scientific paper ID 923 : 2013/2
Joseph Kuril The author discusses the problems of the civil services in the conditions of democratic constitutional state. It is shown that the state employment is one of the indicators for the political situation in the country and reflection of the society. The civil service in democratic country is based on democratic values both in terms of its internal structure and functioning. The civil service in terms of legal theory is not interpreted as a whole. It has two aspects, namely organizational and legal, covering wide range of organizational and managerial relations. The civil service in legal aspect is a complex legal institute, having interdisciplinary character, since it covers several sections of the law, mainly: administrative, constitutional and labor law.
Ключевые слова: государство государственная служба правовой институт правовой режим государственные служащие карьерная система государственной службы система заслуг государственно-служебные отношения работодатель отдельный правовой акт гражданскJoseph Kuril BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BOGUShAK, Y. i kol.: Osnovy pravovedeniya. Praga: Aleko,1991 ( [1] БОГУШАК, Й. и кол.: Основы правоведения. Прага: Алеко,1991 ) [2] BROSTL, A.: Pravovoe gosudarstvo. Terminy, teorii, printsipy. Koshitse, 1995 ( [2] БРОСТЛ, А.: Правовое государство. Термины, теории, принципы. Кошице, 1995 ) [3] HOLLANDER, P. : Osnovy obshtey politologii, Praga: Vshegrd, 1995 ( [3] ХОЛЛАНДЕР, П. : Основы общей политологии, Прага: Вшегрд, 1995 ) [4] KURIL, Y.: Osnovnyye teoreticheskie voprosy sluzhebnyh vzaimootnosheniy sotrudnikov PZ. Bratislava: A PZ, 2000 ( [4] КУРИЛ, Й.: Основные теоретические вопросы служебных взаимоотношений сотрудников ПЗ. Братислава: А ПЗ, 2000 ) [5] KURIL, Y.: Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. Bratislava: A PZ, 2006 ( [5] КУРИЛ, Й.: Государственная служба. Братислава: А ПЗ, 2006 ) |