Scientific paper ID 914 : 2013/4
Daniel Delchev, Christian Raitchev, Nikolay Tontchev This Communication sets out the characteristics of high strength steel, which find application in the automotive industry. The main objective of the study was Summarizing and comparing the specific mechanical properties of existing steel, capable to provide design alternatives in order to reduce the weight of the main components.
високояки стомани механични характеристики автомобилостроене.ferritic steels mechanical properties automotive.Daniel Delchev Christian Raitchev Nikolay Tontchev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] EDAG AG: FutureSteelVehicle Phase 1 Engineering Report, 2009, Available from: www.worldautosteel.org/Projects/Future-Steel-Vehicle/Phase-1-Results-Phase-2-Launch.aspx [2] EDAG AG: Phase 2 FutureSteelVehicle Steel Technology Assessment and Design Optimization Engineering Report, 2010, Available from: ww.worldautosteel.org/Projects/ Future-Steel-Vehicle/FSVInterimReport.aspx [3] M. Meyers, K. Chawla: Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Cambridge University Press, England, 2009, ISBN-13: 9780511455575 [4] T. Kobayashi: Strength and Toughness of Materials, Springer Verlag, USA, 2004, ISBN-13:9784431200383 [5] MatWeb, Online materials information resource. http://www.matweb.com/ [6] Simunovic S., J. Gustavo, A. Shaw, Material Modeling Effects on Impact Deformation of Ultralight Steel Auto Body, 2000 , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. [7] Simunovic S., J. Gustavo, A. Shaw, Steel Processing Effects on Impact Deformation of UltraLight Auto Body, 2001 , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. |