Scientific paper ID 905 : 2013/2
Ivan Milenov1, Vasil Dimitrov1, Chavdar Djambazki1, Georgi Chervendinev2 The use of electric golf cars has significant advantages: they are environmentally friendly, quiet and safe vehicles with simple operation and very low financial costs of operating. In this paper, an electrical drive has been designed and built on a golf-car. Specific ments are placed to such drives (low supply voltage, relatively low power and relatively high torque). The designed electrical drive fully meets these ments. A series DC motor and controller (based on the principle of pulse regulated motor voltage by IGBT) are selected and implemented to provide smooth, silent, cost-effective control on the motor speed and torque. This is essential, since ensuring of a high starting torque is not sufficient, but an increased torque during movement must be also ensured. Necessary equipment for control and protection is also provided and installed. Suitable batteries are selected. An experimental verification of the implemented drive is done. The used methods of the design and selection are also verified. Similar motors and controllers are the ideal solution for a variety of electric vehicle applications, including industrial trucks, personnel carriers, material handling vehicles, golf cars, etc.
електромобили постояннотоково електрозадвижване голф-количкаelectric vehicles DC electrical drive golf-car.Ivan Milenov Vasil Dimitrov Chavdar Djambazki Georgi Chervendinev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Davidov S., I. Milenov, H. Ivanov, Malki elektromobili. Sofiya, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8640-16-9 ( [1] Давидов С., И. Миленов, Х. Иванов, Малки електромобили. София, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8640-16-9 ) [2] Balgaranov L., Elektricheski transport. Sofiya, 2009, ISBN 954-12-0103-2 ( [2] Българанов Л., Електрически транспорт. София, 2009, ISBN 954-12-0103-2 ) [3] http://www.adcmotors.com/Productsacdc [4] Motor Controllers models 1204M & 1205M, Manual, Curtis Instruments, Inc., 2011 |