Scientific paper ID 903 : 2013/2

Vladimir Iliev Boyadjiev

In the technology of production of the Bourdon tube (BT) for appliances for measuring pressure has preliminary procedures over this production process. In this setup the technological process is obtained losses. Shortening and facilitating the initial phase adjustment of the manufacturing process would lead to reduce these losses.

In this report we propose a method for rationalization rationalization of that initial stage of adjustment of the technological process for the production production of BT.

In the most the dominant way as a perform used seamless tube. The forging was rolled between two rollers, in advance in it is placed elastic core, called the epee.

In obtaining preform for the production of BT whereby upon submission of set pressure p to achieve the d relative rotation angle of the final section Δγ / γ, respectively the necessary move the free end of BT λ, must be calculated by the formula mentioned in the article small semi direction of the cross-section b. According to this value can be selected epee with the necessary thickness. In fact, due to approximations in the formula it is possible to the use of epee epee with adjusted to the calculated thickness, but in all cases specify the amount of epee by a two to three attempts is much more economical than specifying the size of epee by a dozen or more experience as a real situation.

бурдонова тръба бурдон манометър производство ефективност еластичен елемент на уредитеBourdon tube Bourdon manometer production efficiency elastic element of the appliancesVladimir Iliev Boyadjiev


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