Scientific paper ID 895 : 2013/3
Boris Velev A short analysis of used traction batteries in electric vehicles. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of lithium-ion batteries to lead-acid batteries are still the most commonly used batteries, especially for electric vehicles. Proper electrical and thermal control of a lithium-ion battery consisting of many cells is necessary. During operation, the differences in pressure and temperature in the cells may result in an electrical imbalance of the cell to the cell and cause a decline in the capacity of the entire battery of about 25%. To prevent this imbalance, it is necessary to use a control system of the battery (BMS). Shown is the effect of the two main types - active and passive management system lithium-ion battery, by analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions are made for their use in EV / HEV.
BMS – система за управление на батерията Еквалайзер(балансир) OCV- напрежениe при отворена верига SOC - състояние на зареждане на батерията EV- електромобил HEV- хибриден електромобил.BMS - battery management system EQU (equalizer) OCV- Open circuBoris Velev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] http://www.phet.com.tw/Technology/Compariso... [2] www.ev-power.eu/.../WB-LYP100AHA-LiFeYPO4-3-2V-100Ah.html. [3] Claus, D. Materials and processing for lithium-ion batteries. J. Miner. Metals Mater. Soc. 2008, 60, 43–48, 2008 . [4] http://www.monbat.com/articles. [5] Velev B., B. Banov, G. Velev, System for Testing of Lithium-ion Batteries and Electric Motors for Electrical Vehicles, trans&MOTAUTO"12, 20th Anniversary International Scientific Technical, Varna 27-29 Juni, ISSN 1313-5031,2012. ( [5] Velev B., B. Banov, G. Velev, System for Testing of Lithium-ion Batteries and Electric Motors for Electrical Vehicles, trans&MOTAUTO"12, 20th Anniversary International Scientific Technical, Варна 27-29 Juni, ISSN 1313-5031,2012. ) [6] Davide A., Battery Management Systems for Large Lithium-Ion Battery Packs Artech House, Sep 30, ISBN 1608071049, 2010, 231-238 str. [7] Velev B, B. Banov, G. Velev, System for Control and Monitoring of LI-Ion Battery, IX International congress “Machines, tehnologies, materials, 19-21 sept., Varna 2012, 45-47, ISBN1310-3946, 2012. [8] T. A. Stuart, W. Zhu, Modularized Battery Management for Lithium Ion Cells, Journal of Power Sources, 196, No.1, pp. 458-464, Jan. 2011. [9] C. Chen, K.L. Man, T.O. Ting, Chi-Un Lei, T. Krilavičius, T.T. Jeong, J.K. Seon, Sheng-Uei Guan and W.H. Prudence Wong, "Design and Realization of Smart Battery Management System," in proceedings of the IAENG International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists - IMECS"12, Hong Kong, pp.1173-1176, 2012. |