Scientific paper ID 894 : 2013/3

Radka Vaseva

There is a wide range of software products, enabling the modeling of the power electronics devices but they cannot completely satisfy the expectations people have from the models, including processes in the power electric chain of the electric locomotive of alternating current with a particular compensator of reactive power while in motion along a separate section of the contact network (CN).

The report contains a mathematical modeling of the electromagnetic processes in the power supply chain of electric traction network (ETN) by a numerical integration of a system of differential equations, describing the processes in the electric and magnetic networks. It has been examined a particular variant to create a mathematical model, helping in calculating the moment values of the electric current and the pressure of the basic elements in the scheme of the system into consideration. Apart from the calculation of the moment values of the variables, the purpose is to define the integrated indicators, as well as the middle and effective value of the variables of interest – active and reactive power, the coefficient of power etc.

The graphical presentation of the integral characteristics is being realized using the graphic software program MS Excel. The proposed methodology allows to define the analytic energetic indicators of the electric traction networks of alternating current supply.

Математическо моделиране коефициент на несиносуидалност и мощност електрически транспортни средства за променлив токMathematical modeling coefficient of asinusoidality and power electric vehicles of alternating current.Radka Vaseva


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