Scientific paper ID 891 : 2013/3

Toshko Rusenov, Maia Ivanova

The ballast bed is a major part of the upper construction which provides the needed resistance to the acting in the rails` longitudinal compressive forces for endurance on the railway and secure movement for the trains. It"s basic functions are transmission of axes pressures onto the lower construction, providing transverse and longitudinal durability of the rail grid against displacement and providing proper drainage.

Due to temperature changes longitudinal compressive forces on the rails occur, so the ballast bed should be well sealed to prevent buckling of the rails. Immediately after screening the ballast prism and track-sleeper grill renewal the density of the ballast bed is very low. During normal operation, the ballast bed is obturated naturaly and provides enough endurance against lateral movement of the track. For safe operation of a new or renewed track the ballast must be sealed with dynamic track stabilizer (DGS).

This report points the change of resistance to lateral movement of the track after the screening of ballast, undercutting with a tamping machine, stabilization with DGS and normal operation of the railway. It also examines the method of stabilization of the track using the DGS.

динамичен стабилизатор устойчивост подбиване баластdynamic track stabilizer resistance tamping ballastToshko Rusenov Maia Ivanova


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