Scientific paper ID 885 : 2013/3

Emil M. Mihaylov

This paper concerns the tram bogies T 81 in-service streetcars types T6M 700 and T8M 700M. In the early 90s of the twentieth century the design of the central spring degree was modified – the spring kits are replaced with shorter ones, but they retain the characteristics of the degree. As a result of the change the location of the central lower cup of the spring degree has been changed - from the bottom sheet of the stinger, the cup is mounted on the top sheet of the beam. Immediately after the change of the main spring degree is observed intensive formation of cracks at both ends of the cross beam of the bogie frame. Over the years and the deterioration of the track the intensity of the process is accelerating.

In the autumn of 2011 were conducted measurements of the accelerations in the bogie frame. Large values of the accelerations whose peaks reached 117 ms-2 were measured. In December 2012 a second set of measurements which confirmed the results were made. Reached to the conclusion that the rapid emergence and development of cracks in the crossbar of the frame is due to the large values of the accelerations in the bogie frame due to the unevenness of the road.

In the material using the program Autodesk Inventor is made an analysis of the distri-bution of internal stresses in the bogie frame in both cases of the central spring degree. The distribution of stress has been studied both in even load on the wheels, and in the action of the forces generated by the accelerations.

трамвайна талига ресорна степен пукнатиниtramway bogie spring degree cracksEmil M. Mihaylov


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