Scientific paper ID 877 : 2013/3

Emiliya Dimitrova, Galina Cherneva

Technical systems are complicated complexes composed of human and technical resources with various equipment, a number of subsystems and relations between them. They have different aspects of complexity: structural, functional, complexity of behavior and development. In general, these are energy material and information links that provide purposeful functioning of the entire system as a single entity. The system management is the process of forming its most effective behavior in order to perform certain functions. The essence of the control is led to treatment of the entry information by criteria for one of the programs by which it influences the object of control. The process of management of technical systems s specified criteria and purpose, information on the specific situation and output information for the environment and the system. The formulation and the decision of management issues involve constructing and analyzing appropriate models describing concerned subject areas. In this paper, a conceptual model of the process of management technical systems is proposed. The basic stages of the management process are discussed and relations that characterize the interaction between them are set out.

технически системи моделиране управлениеtechnical systems modeling control managementEmiliya Dimitrova Galina Cherneva


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