Scientific paper ID 874 : 2013/3

Evgeny Hubenov, Zoya Chiflidzhanova-Hubenova

In recent years, communications and information systems associated with the provision of publicly-relevant processes such as monitoring and notifying disasters, accidents, fires, providing public peace and rescue, weather phenomena with greater dynamism must be adapted to the ments of a mobile communication environment or public communication infrastructure. Standing in front of systems of this class there is an important task concerning reliable transport and processing of data streams flowing continuously and randomly in time, generated by different sources with different network connectivity. In addition, the detection of changes in the temporary distribution of the data s adaptation of the structure of the communication system, especially in situations where the volume of information increases in orders of magnitude and the loss of information is critical. In critical situations where there is repeated increase in traffic in them or when they generate unlikely, but significant events, with a high rate of entry, adaptation to changing dynamically the structure of the network connectivity and to the mechanism of processing the information content can achieve the objectives set out in their creation.

An object of analyze are the ments for models of communication and information systems and different approaches to modeling related to both states and transitions between them and the temporal dynamics of events. The approaches are clarified to modeling such systems as a stochastic process which is dependent on the interaction of various events having probabilistic characteristics. Other considered models are those such as queuing systems and the presentation of communication and information systems as an automat with a finite number of time states.

информационни системи събития комуникационни системи.information systems events communications systems.Evgeny Hubenov Zoya Chiflidzhanova-Hubenova


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