Scientific paper ID 873 : 2013/3
Nedelcho Nedelchev, Nikolai Kanev Today localization stock is performed with track circuits, axle counters, which are characterized by low reliability and high cost. The development of global satellite navigation systems offers new opportunities for solving the positioning task. To get to this application must be answered a lot of questions, the main of which are related to the provision of necessary safety.
Existing global positioning systems (US GPS and Russian GLONASS) does not satisfy the stringent ments of the insurance of railway equipment. Accuracy in many cases is not reached d safety levels. Users haven’t information about good working order of the system and how much they can trust a particular position. The latter is already beginning to be overcome with the construction of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service EGNOS and in particular introduced in 2011 a service SoL (Safety of Life), which monitors the integrity of the system. Such service will offer currently developing a European navigation system GALILEO. This paper evaluates the capability of meeting the ments of rail reliability and safety through sharing of EGNOS and GALILEO. Analyzes and calculations show that the possibility is real. навигация спътник GPS EGNOS GALILEO точност интегритетnavigation satellite GPS EGNOS GALILEO accuracy integrityNedelcho Nedelchev Nikolai Kanev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kneissland, F., Stubber, C. Combined integrity of GPS and Galileo. InsideGNSS Working Papers, January/February 2010, pp.52-63 [2] EGNOS. Safety of Life Service Definition Document. Ref: EGN-SDD SoL, V1.0, Febru-ary 2011 [3] Kyung-Ho Shin, Ducko Shin, Eui-Jin Joung, Young-Gyu Kim. The Reliability and Safety Enhancement Method of GNSS for Train Control Application. The 23rd International Tech-nical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2008), pp.1545-1548 [4] Pecchioni, C.,M. Ciollaro, M. Calamia. Combined Galileo and EGNOS Integrity Signal: a multisystem integrity algorithm. 2nd Workshop on GNSS Signals & Signal Processing - GNSS SIGNALS 2007, ESTEC, 24-25, April 2007 [5] Flip, A. Railway Safety Certification Requirements for the Galileo Signal-In-Space. CERGAL ‘2006, Braunschweig, 4-6 April, 2006 [6] Flip A., Safety Aspect of GNSS Based Train Position Determination for Railway Signal-ling, UIC GALILEO for Rail Symposium, 2007. [7] ESA, Company ANAVS Gmbh. Project: A differential Galileo/GPS receiver systems www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Technology/Business_Incubation/Company_ANAVS_GmbH/(print) [8] Maradi, L. GPS, EGNOS, GALILEO Receivers for Safety-of-Life. IIN/CNR - Mar 2008 [9] Galileo Integrity Concept, ESA document No. ESA-DEUI-NG-TN/01331, (2005). |