Scientific paper ID 872 : 2013/3
Stanislav D. Katev, Kiril S. Karagyozov The report provides an analysis of existing models to choose the location of logistics objects (LO) used in the design of the supply chain. Logistics objects can be: production companies (suppliers) producing parts and components manufacturing units for the assembly of different components, warehouses or distribution centers. As a criterion for selecting the location of the LO can be used to minimize the total cost of items: transportation costs, costs for establishment facilities, management costs of inventories. Models are considered to select the location of LO in fixed costs for setting them without and with limited capacity and the problems arising from the integration of models and routing of vehicles. In this case, combining three components to the design of the supply chain: location of equipment, allocation of customers to LO and routing of vehicles for servicing end users. The report is discussed and approaches for adding such items cost guarantee stocks in LO in the supply chain. The choice of the number and location of the logistics objects is strategic decision in designing the structure of the supply chain. Solutions to these problems are the key to effective management of the supply chain.
оптимални брой и локация на логистичните обекти минимизиране на общите транспортни разходи разходи за установяване на логистичните обектиoptimal number and location of logistics facilities minimize overall transportation costs installation costs of loStanislav D. Katev Kiril S. Karagyozov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Chopra, S., Meindl, P., “Supply chain management – Strategy, Planning, and Operation”-3rd ed., Printer: Hamilton Printing Company Inc., (2007) [2] Daskin, M.S., Snyder L.V., Berger R.T., “Facility Location in Supply Chain Design”-Working paper, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3119, U.S.A., December 2003 - http://www.lehigh.edu/~lvs2/Papers/facil-lo... [3] Daskin, M.S., Snyder L.V., Berger R.T., Langevin A., Riopel D., “Logistics Systems Design and Optimization”- Facility Location in Supply Chain Design, Springer, 2005 edition (March 25, 2005) [4] Balinski, M. L., .Integer Programming: Methods, Uses, Computation,. Management Science, 12, 253-313., 1965 [5] Erlenkotter, D., .A Dual-Based Procedure for Uncapacitated Facility Location,. Operations Research, 26, pp. 992-1009., 1978 [6] Daskin, M. S., Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms and Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. , 1995 [7] Geoffrion, A. M. and G. W. Graves, .Multicommodity Distribution System Design by Benders Decomposition,. Management Science, 20:5, pp. 822-844., 1974 [8] Min, H., V. Jayaraman and R. Srivastava, , .Combined Location-Routing Problems: A Synthesis and Future Research Directions,. European Journal of Operational Research, 108, pp. 1-15. , 1998 [9] Perl, J., .A Unified Warehouse Location-Routing Analysis,. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1983 [10] Perl, J. and M. S. Daskin,.A Warehouse Location-Routing Problem,. Transportation Research, 19B:5, pp. 381-396., 1985 [11] Karagyozov K., Razmov T., Varadinova Yu, Todorova M., Chonkova A., „Impact of Natural Disasters on Transport Systems”- Studiya, VTU ”Todor Kableshkov”, 03.2012 ( [11] Kарагьозов К., Размов Т., Варадинова Ю, Тодорова М., Чонкова А., „Impact of Natural Disasters on Transport Systems”- Студия, ВТУ ”Тодор Каблешков”, 03.2012 ) [12] Shen, Z. J., .Efficient Algorithms for Various Supply Chain Problems,. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208. ,2000 [13] Shen, Z.-J. M., C. Coullard, and M. S. Daskin, .A joint location-inventory model,. Transportation Science, 37(1), pp. 40-55. , 2003 [14] Karagyozov K., lektsionen kurs po „Osnovi na Logistikata” ( [14] Kарагьозов К., лекционен курс по „Основи на Логистиката” ) |