Scientific paper ID 871 : 2013/3
Todor Razmov, Julia Varadinova Analysis of the transport service was performed based on a survey. The survey and the evaluation of passenger satisfaction of the transport service is based on the following criteria: travel time, price of the used service, frequency, capacity, accessibility and comfort of the itinerary. The main problems deteriorating the quality of the offered transport services were identified. The latter were grouped according to different criteria and consequently on these grounds an evaluation of the quality of the transport service was performed. An utility function was determined, which is related to the quality of the transport service compared to the market shares of the different types of land passenger transport. To determine and forecast the market shares a multinomial logit model was developed and applied. The market shares of the different types of transport were forecasted after the implementation of a marketing strategy and a marketing plan for improvement of the passenger railway transport service.
функция на полезност качество на транспортната услуга пътнически транспорт пътнически железопътен транспорт модален сплит.utility function quality of transport services passenger transport passenger railway transport modal splitTodor Razmov Julia Varadinova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Eliseevoy I. I. “Ekonometrika“. M. „Finansy i statistika”, ( [1] Елисеевой И. И. “Эконометрика“. М. „Финансы и статистика”, ) [2] Dogovor №D-53/05.09.2012g., „Otsenka na pazarnoto tarsene na zhelezopatnite transportni patnicheski uslugi v Republika Balgariya i izgotvyane na merki za optimiziraneto im”, InfraKear-TransKear” DZZD, Zaklyuchitelen doklad, 2013 ( [2] Договор №Д-53/05.09.2012г., „Оценка на пазарното търсене на железопътните транспортни пътнически услуги в Република България и изготвяне на мерки за оптимизирането им”, ИнфраКеър-ТрансКеър” ДЗЗД, Заключителен доклад, 2013 ) [3] Raykov R.G., Razmov T.R., Konstantinov D.P., „Menidzhmant i marketing na transporta”, Sofiya, VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, 2002 ( [3] Райков Р.Г., Размов Т.Р., Константинов Д.П., „Мениджмънт и маркетинг на транспорта”, София, ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, 2002 ) [4] http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/sho... |