Scientific paper ID 866 : 2013/3
M. Jovanović1, M. Arsić2, D. Denić2, V. Tomić1, D. Marković1, G. Radoičić1, G. Marković2 The paper presents a concept of electronic system for railroad vehicle dynamical measurement of kinematic parameters. The original measurement system is based on the encoders and computer data-processing equipement. Experimental results of angular and roud velocity, acceleration, and braking distances measurements, performed on one real vehicle are presented. The results of working pressure in the braking installation are also presented. The concept of linear and new type of pseudo-random encoders application is explained.
Релсово превозно средство измерване на скоростта спирачен път оптично кодиращо устройство псевдослучаенRailroad vehicle speed measurement braking distance optical encoder pseudo-randomM. Jovanović M. Arsić D. Denić V. Tomić D. Marković G. Radoičić G. Marković BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Shulze K., Experimentelle Mestechnik im Mashinen und Stahlbauveb-Verlag, Berlin 1988. [2] Mitrović M., Kostić V., Petronijević M., Jeftenić B., Practical implementation of Load sharing and anti skew Controllers for wide span gantrz Crane drives, Journal of Mechanical Engineering 56 (2010)3, 207-216, UDC 621.875.5 (Strojniški Vjesnik), [3] Jovanović M., Optimization of Supporting Structure mechanism for Luffing change and Mechanical resistance on working-gantry Cranes, Dissertation, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering University of Niš, 1989. [4] Denić D., Miljkovic G., Lukic J., Stefanovic D., Radović D., The new Solution of Pseudorandom Encoder code Disc - Design and development, University of Niš-Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Ei-OPEK Nis, The project of the Ministry of Education Science Tech. Development of the Republic Serbia TR-32045, 2012, [5] Arsić M., Jovanović M., The Dynamical Parameters of Crane driving Mechanism Mesurement, Electrical Faculty University of Sarajevo, Processing JUKEM, Sarajevo 1990. [6] Stojičić S., Domazet D., Jovanović M., Manić M., and others, The Dresina’s DHD-200 Series 915-008 Brake investigation, Mechanical Faculty University of Niš, 1988. [7] Miljković G., Denić D., Simić M., Jocić A., Pešić M., The Methods of Pseudorandom Code reading with Virtual absolute Encoder, YU INFO, pp.442-445, ISBN 978-86-85525-11-7, 2013. [8] Denić D., Miljković G., Lukić J., Arsić M., Pseudorandom position Encoder with improved Zero Position adjustment, Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, vol. 25, no. 2, University of Niš, pp. 20-28, 2012, ISSN 0353-3670, http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/eae/eae.html. |