Scientific paper ID 864 : 2013/3
Galina Cherneva The frequency locked loop are difficult dynamic system, in base on which to create a wide range of devices for processing signals. Its considered from the position of the nonlinear dynamics, they are nonlinear autofluctuation systems, in which are implemented regular and irregular processes.
In the research on the processes in a dynamic system are looked for are analyze its equilibrium conditions. These are the specific points on the multitude by variables of the status of the system in the phase space, defined by their coordinates. An equilibrium point to be "attracting" border multitude of the integrated curves of the dynamic system, it must be stability. Various methods are known for the analysis of the stability of non-linear systems. The method of Lyapunov is one of the most efficient ways for such an analysis. In this paper are research for sustainability of equilibrium states of system for automatic frequency with frequency control. This is based on linear and non-linear model depending on the operating conditions for a system of first and second order, using the first and second method of Lyapunov. системи за автоматична донастройка на честотата устойчивост.frequency locked loopstabilityGalina Cherneva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Walczak J. Kieltyka G. Stability analysis of nonlinear second order phase-locked loop. Poznan. 2007. p.22-34 [2] Kudrewicz J. Dynamic of the phase loop. Warszawa.1991. [3] Yousif S. M., Liapunov stability of nonlinear phase-locked loop," in IEEE 1979 Region VI Conference Record. April 1979 [4] Ponomarenko V.P. Dinamika sistem s chastotno-fazovym upravleniem. NNGU. 2005. ( [4] Пономаренко В.П. Динамика систем с частотно-фазовым управлением. ННГУ. 2005. ) [5] Pervachev S.V. Radioavtomatika: Uchebnik dlya vuzov. M. Radio i svyaz. 2002. ( [5] Первачев С.В. Радиоавтоматика: Учебник для вузов. М. Радио и связь. 2002. ) [6] Demidovich B.P. Lektsii po matematicheskoy teorii ustoychivosti. M Stereotip.2008. ( [6] Демидович Б.П. Лекции по математической теории устойчивости. М Стереотип.2008. ) |