Scientific paper ID 854 : 2013/3
Ivan Milenov, Irina Asenova, Teodoro Todorov Abstract: Population on the Earth continuously grows and the power consumption worldwide increases, too. It is foreseen that in the frames of a century the extant trivial power resources for electric power manufacturing will be run out. Because of this reason, it is necessary to be searched for alternative sources.
Manufacturing and consumption electric power in the next twenty years depend not only on the global economical growth and increasing the Earth population, but also on the policy for supporting the renewable power sources /RPS/. In the report are examined trends about using various types of resources for electrical power manufacturing. It is shown that a big part of the power resources on the planet is used in the transport. The number of vehicles increases very rapidly. That leads to vastly increasing released quantity of noxious emissions by the existing vehicles and to extending increasing the global pollution of the planet. In the transport, it is foreseen a variety of using power sources: a variety, which is supported by the policies and potentialities of the technologies. In the report is examined power- saving technologies used in the transport. It is pointed that the common global power consumption will be decreased through developing new ones that will lead to considerably decreasing the power consumption for the vehicles. възобновяеми източници на енергия енергийна ефективност електрически транспортrenewable power sources; power effectiveness; electrical transport.Ivan Milenov Irina Asenova Teodoro Todorov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Yu.D. Sibikin, M.Yu. Sibikin, „Netraditsionnyye i vazobnovlyaemyye istochniki energii“ (Alternative and renewable energy sources), Uchebnoe posobie, Moskva, Izdatelstvo KnoRus, ISBN: 978-5-406-00378-0, 2010 ( [1] Ю.Д. Сибикин, M.Ю. Сибикин, „Нетрадиционные и възобновляемые источники энергии“ (Alternative and renewable energy sources), Учебное пособие, Москва, Издателство КноРус, ISBN: 978-5-406-00378-0, 2010 ) [2] I. Evtimov, R. Ivanov, G. Popov, „Vazobnovyaemi energiyni iztochnitsi“ (Renewable energy sources), Uchebnik, Ruse, Izdatelstvo PRIMAKS, ISBN: 978-954-8675-39-0, 2013 ( [2] И. Евтимов, Р. Иванов, Г. Попов, „Възобновяеми енергийни източници“ (Renewable energy sources), Учебник, Русе, Издателство ПРИМАКС, ISBN: 978-954-8675-39-0, 2013 ) [3] Bent Soresen, „Renewable energy, Conversion, Transmission, and Storage”, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-374262-9, 2007. [4] Aldo Vieira da Rosa, “Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes”, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-12-374639-9, 2009. [5] http://www.emde-solar.com |