Scientific paper ID 844 : 2013/3
Kosta Mladenov, Albena Doicheva The stressed and strained analysis of beams and girders is customarily based on the presumption that the restraints are applied at the center of gravity of the supported cross-sections. In practice however this is not always the case and the force transfer is more complex than assumed. The flat-bottomed rail resting on sleepers is one example in this respect. The vertical loadings from the track wheels evoke not only bending moments and shear but also compression force. Thus, a relevant analysis s a joint solution of the differential equations of bending and axial deformations. The aim of the paper is to show application of the generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM) for approximate analysis of off-center supported beams charged by transverse distributed loading with parabolically varying intensity. Recently GDQM has been applied in variety of single- and multi-dimensional problems in both mechanics of deformable bodies including fracture mechanics and fluid mechanics.
напрегнато състояние греда квадратичен методstressed state beam quadrature methodKosta Mladenov Albena Doicheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bellman R. E., B. G. Kashef and J. Casti Differential quadrature method: a technique for the rapid solution of nonlinear partial differential equations, Journal of computational physics, vol. 10, 1972, pp. 40-52 [2] Shu C. Differential Quadrature and its Application in Engineering, London, “Springer-Verlag”, 2000, str. 340 [3] Zong Z. and Y. Zhang Advanced differential quadrature methods, Boca Raton, “CRC Press”, 2009, str. 339 [4] Shu C. and Richards B. E. Application of Generalized Differential Quadrature to Solve Two-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, Int. J. of Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 15, 1992, str. 791-798 [5] Girgin Z. Y., Yilmaz and A. Çetkin Application of the generalized differential quadrature method to deflection and buckling analysis of structural components, Journal of Engineering Sciences, 6 (2-3), 2000, str. 117-124 [6] Shu C. and W. Chen On optimal selection of interior points for applying discretized boundary conditions in dq vibration analysis of beams and plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 222(2), 1999, str. 239-257 [7] Doycheva A., K. Mladenov Edna zadacha za netsentrichno podpryana greda s elastichna vrazka, sp. Stroitelstvo, № 4, 2009, str.11-16 ( [7] Дойчева А., К. Младенов Една задача за нецентрично подпряна греда с еластичнa връзкa, сп. Строителство, № 4, 2009, стр.11-16 ) |