Scientific paper ID 840 : 2013/3

Marko Subotić1, Veljko Radičević2, Dejan Anđelković3, Zoran Joševski4

Planning and design of pedestrian communications implies the analysis of pedestrian walking speed according to gender, age, gait, etc. Problem of determining parameter of pedestrian flow speed is reflected in the fact that the speed value is being changed depending on the circumstances of time and place. The task of pedestrian movement on a city crossing implies that in a certian time period neccessary and sufficient mobility of pedestrians is provided, which depends on the crossing capacity. This paper presents research on pedestrian walking speed in several locations in Doboj which can serve as a parameter for designing elements when planning pedestrian communications on a crossing. In this papaer pedestrian walking speed on a representative sample has been analysed and calibrated model for determining pedestrian walking speed on crossings was given. The research shows that pedestrian speed value as a random variable changes according to Gaussian distribution.

Сигнализирани пресечки пешеходец градска зона четиристранни сигнални кръстовищаSignalized Crossings pedestrian urban area four-sided signal crossroadsMarko Subotić Veljko Radičević Dejan Anđelković Zoran Joševski


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