Scientific paper ID 839 : 2013/3

Nebojša Bogojević1, Vojkan Lučanin2, Bojan Tatić1

Wheels and rails provide guidance of a rail vehicle on a track. For that reason wheels and rails have dominant influence on safety against derailment and running performance of a railway vehicle. The wheel and the rail profiles also have significant influence on the wheel/rail wear, surface damage, forces in the contact between wheel and rail, track shift forces, as well as on track and wheelsets maintenance. This paper presents the influence of different combinations of wheel and rail profile on rolling contact fatigue and wear rate of rail wheels. Simulations behaviors of a vehicle were performed for six different combinations of wheel and rail profiles with different rail inclinations, on straight track and in a curve, assuming ideal track without track irregularities. The set of combinations s theoretical profiles of wheel and rail S1002/UIC60i40, S1002/UIC60i20 as well and worn profiles P8/UIC60i40, P8/UIC60i20, WP4/BV50i30 and WP4/MB1BV50.

колело релса профил RCF износване динамично поведениеwheel rail profile RCF wear dynamic behaviorNebojša Bogojević Vojkan Lučanin Bojan Tatić


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