Scientific paper ID 829 : 2013/3

Vasil Kostadinov1, Simeon Ananiev Ananiev2

The article discusses the security services as one of the important problems of safety in the transport of dangerous goods, facing participants in implementation of rail transport, which s implementation of effective security measures, with purpose preserve their integrity and security, during transportation, for not admission of the criminal violations. In the article are considered normative regulation and the functions of organizing and performance of activities related to security of dangerous goods from"Transport Police" and the security companies, the control activities in respect to implemented by private security companies, protection of objects and dangerous goods in railway transport. In the study are structured and analyzed the organization, management and implementation of tasks to ensure security in the transport of explosives and other dangerous goods by rail transport, are covering from a range of security measures divided into distinct stages - preparatory, executive and final. Conclusions are made about the need from the application of uniform rules and norms for security of dangerous goods, рealized by police and security companies, which will allow, improve the security environment in the rail transport and the objects of the railway infrastructure, as part of the critical infrastructure of the country. In conclusion are defined and proposed specific measures to reduce the risk of occurrence of of adverse effects and improvement of the security environment.

железопътна инфраструктура железопътни превозвачи превози превозни средства опасни товари безопасност сигурност охрана.indicators monitoring railway infrastructure combined transport transport freight forwarding.Vasil Kostadinov Simeon Ananiev Ananiev


[1] Pravilnik za prevoz na opasni tovari s zhp transport RID v sila ot 01.01.2013g.,
( [1] Правилник за превоз на опасни товари с жп транспорт RID в сила от 01.01.2013г., )

[2] Direktiva na ES 96/49/ES otnosno uednakvyavaneto na zakonite v stranite-chlenki po otnoshenie na zhp prevozi na opasni tovari,
( [2] Директива на ЕС 96/49/ЕС относно уеднаквяването на законите в страните-членки по отношение на жп превози на опасни товари, )

[3] Naredba № 46 za zhelezopaten prevoz na opasni tovari v R.Balgariya,
( [3] Наредба № 46 за железопътен превоз на опасни товари в Р.България, )

[4] Zakon za MVR,
( [4] Закон за МВР, )

[5] Zakon za orazhiyata, boepripasite, vzrivnite veshtestva i pirotehnicheskite izdeliya,
( [5] Закон за оръжията, боеприпасите, взривните вещества и пиротехническите изделия, )

[6] Zakon za chastnata ohranitelna deynost,
( [6] Закон за частната охранителна дейност, )

[7] Zakon za zhelezopatniya transport,
( [7] Закон за железопътния транспорт, )

[8] Naredba za osiguryavane na fizicheskata zashtita na yadrenite saorazheniya, yadreniya material i radioaktivnite veshtestva,
( [8] Наредба за осигуряване на физическата защита на ядрените съоръжения, ядрения материал и радиоактивните вещества, )

[9] Galev B., Ananiev S., Transportna politika na ES i obuchenie na konsultanti po sigurnostta pri prevozi na opasni tovari s zhelezopaten transport „Transport Sofiya 2003g VTU “T.Kableshkov”
( [9] Галев Б., Ананиев С., Транспортна политика на ЕС и обучение на консултанти по сигурността при превози на опасни товари с железопътен транспорт „Транспорт София 2003г ВТУ “Т.Каблешков” )




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