Scientific paper ID 827 : 2013/3

Boryana Tomova Ruzhekova-Rogozherova

The report treats the overriding importance of learners’ communicative competence enhancement on the course of English for PhD students at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. The essence, scope and components of the communicative competence construct are commented on. The study presents and appropriately exemplifies some teaching innovative approaches, implemented in the purpose of the improvement of knowledge and skills in communicative competence building elements. Grammatical competence development is primarily emphasized on.

комуникативна компетентност граматическа компетентност езикова осъзнатост разбиране забелязване иновативни подходиcommunicative competence grammatical competence language awareness understanding noticing innovative approachesBoryana Tomova Ruzhekova-Rogozherova


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