Scientific paper ID 826 : 2013/3

Javier Rosell1, Anna Dzhaleva-Chonкova2, Mirena Todorova2, Kiril Karagyozov2

The paper presents the results of the field research on staff training demands. The survey was implemented within the LLP/LDV project KNOW-IN coordinated by European Business and Innovation Centre (CEEI) of Albacete, Spain. It aimed to explore the state-of-arts of the level of staff education and the existing experience of lifelong learning for road transport managers in the partner countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Spain and the UK. The outcomes helped find out how the SMEs in the sector had been implementing or would implement a strategy to knowledge intensive management. The questionnaire, which was developed especially for that purpose, d questions to explore the current demands of lifelong learning in order to create “ideal road transport managers” capable to apply European ments and implement successful strategies for competitiveness of their companies on the transport market. Another goal of the field research was to reveal the attitude of road transport companies to staff training on the working place as well as how to encourage the use of innovative learning tools.

мениджъри в автомобилния транспорт МСП с интензивно използване на нови знания учене през целия живот.road transport managers knowledge-intensive SMEs lifelong learning.Javier Rosell Anna Dzhaleva-Chonкova Mirena Todorova Kiril Karagyozov







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