Scientific paper ID 821 : 2013/3

Detelin Vasilev

Processes are central to any organization. They do not just describe how tasks should be runned, but also in what order, by whom as well as who is responsible for their co-ordination. They are so important to the business, that the way they are defined, visualized and managed in practice determines how successful the organization will be. The implementation of software process management facilitates the adoption of internationally recognized standards, promotes the integration of new employees to internal company culture and increases the value of the organization. This step creates the conditions for faster growth, clearly defining the business processes and removing barriers to the classification of the activities. The quality of education as a key figures in each university and directly depends on the management system. The implementation of measures related to construction and development of standards and procedures for quality control will lead to increased quality of activities inherent in University of Transport (VTU). Despite the present concrete results in the development of management systems in the University, established information systems serving primary and secondary processes in the activity observed fragmentation and lack of coherence in their work. This sometimes creates a sense of chaos in the process flow.

The paper presents the idea of implementing a system of Enterprise resource planning (ERP) in the University and possible challenges.

системи за управление висше образование качество на образованиетоmanagement higher education quality of educationDetelin Vasilev


[1] Proekt BG051PO001-3.1.08.-0007 „Povishavane na efektivnostta na obrazovatelniya protses, chrez usavarshenstvane na sistemite za upravlenie na kachestvoto na uslugite v obrazovanieto i obuchenieto vav Visshe transportno uchilishte „Todor Kableshkov”
( [1] Проект BG051PO001-3.1.08.-0007 „Повишаване на ефективността на образователния процес, чрез усъвършенстване на системите за управление на качеството на услугите в образованието и обучението във Висше транспортно училище „Тодор Каблешков” )

[2] Shema BG051PO001-3.1.08 „Usavarshenstvane na sistemite za upravlenie vav visshite uchilishta” po Operativna programa „Razvitie na choveshkite resursi”
( [2] Схема BG051PO001-3.1.08 „Усъвършенстване на системите за управление във висшите училища” по Оперативна програма „Развитие на човешките ресурси” )




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