Scientific paper ID 814 : 2013/3

Tonko Petkov

In world practice different models and methods are applied for funding of the activities connected with the security of civil aviation. For instance 4 types of mecahnisms are used in Europe: funding by (1) charges for aviation security, (2) additional charges or payments for the security, (3) airport charges for security and rarely (4) state funds and grands. At one or the other side funding is connected with the acting models for allocation of the responsibilities between the state ( represent by different state departments and administartions) and airlines, airport operators and other persons connected to the security. In the general case the charges for security have to be paid by the users of the airtransport. ICAO detertmines the common politic concerning methods for determination of the amount of payments connected with the aviation security. EC continues this examinations but a law for charges for the security is not accepted till 2013.The aviation law introduces charges for airport security. The “Regulation of charges for social use and airnavigation service in Respublic of Bulgaria” was changed and we are witness of the absence of uniform method for formation of the amount of payments for the different airports. This report is dealing with some problems concerning the degree of the independence of the civil aviation administration concerning the determination and the control of the amount of the payments for the security and the degree of the succes of the state to control the airport operators in the introducing of different payments connected with the security

такси за сигурност финансиране на авиационната сигурност прозрачност на разходитеsecurity charges; funding of aviation security; transperance of the expencesTonko Petkov


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