Scientific paper ID 813 : 2013/3

Selçuk Duranlar

Marmaray Project, which is one of the most important projects in the world, in Istanbul, to sustain a healthy urban life the citizens of a modern city life and urban transportation means of offering high capacity in order to protect the city"s natural and historical features, using a non-polluting electric power, reducing the dependence on individual transportation and highway and roads into parking lots is a project aimed at.

Project which aims to unite the two sides of the strait in Istanbul in three underground railway station and the underground part of the throat passage of the project is 13.6 km in total. 37 surface stations, a total of 63 km in length are made and 75 000 passengers / hour / one-way planned to be operational in 2015. Channel Tunnel is the longest immersed tube tunnel, water under the section length is 38 km long. No. of tunnels in the world"s deepest immersed tunnel Marmaray as tunneling has taken place. In this study, Marmaray Project which solutions can bring to economic and social aspects were investigated by examining the problems of transportation

Проект „Мармарай” Истанбул Европа АзияMarmaray Projectİstanbul Europa AsiaSelçuk Duranlar


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