Scientific paper ID 810 : 2013/3

Vasko Vassilev

The theoretical understanding and practical application of economic analysis increasingly strengthen its role in a rapidly changing world. Attainment of truth is the goal of economic analysis at the same time, recognizes the ideals of argumentation. For proper accepted that argument, which was built under the laws of logical reasoning, ie where there is no contradiction between thesis and supporting arguments it. Current approaches are focused on the integration of logical and rhetorical features of Reasoning process as an opportunity to overcome the shortcomings. One of the central concepts in the theory of argumentation is "acceptance", which at the same time refers to the results of the economic analysis. Understanding the concept of acceptability is based on the philosophical view of rationality, as it should be recognized that society is dynamic, evolving system. Its integrity is an integral and not the result of mechanical parts together.

икономически анализ аргументация аргументативен процес реторически характеристики логическо разсъждение истинаeconomic analysis argumentation argumentative process rhetorical features logical reasoning truthVasko Vassilev


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